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Helping Near. Helping Far.

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Need is everywhere. There are opportunities to help our neighbors across the street, across the world, and across the waters.

As a church family we seek to embody our faith, or as I grew up hearing in my small country church, "to put flesh to your faith."

One of the calls of Jesus Christ is to embody your faith (showing the trueness of your faith) by helping both near and far. We see this in the Book of Acts, chapter 1. Jesus tells his disciples, "You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (near), in all of Judea and Samaria (regional and foreign), and to the ends of the earth (far, farther, farthest).

Before Jesus says that he points out what empowers us, "you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes to you." That is, before we act we have already received the grace, empowerment, and giftings we need to bear witness to our faith as we serve others. Get up and go near and far.

That simple word by Christ puts an end to the either/or talk we often fall into. We help in Poughkeepsie AND we also help in Puerto Rico. We help our sister churches in St. Thomas and St. Croix in their recovery efforts and we support organizations in Dutchess County that are providing neeful services to our community. Near and far.

So, we start here in Dutchess County, but our efforts do not stay here. Our calling to bear witness to the goodness and grace of God travels with us through service. So, in our vocations, in our play, in our schools, jobs, and neighborhoods Christ calls his people to actions large and small so all may dwell in peace and plenty both near and far.

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