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Upcoming Events

Special Worship Events

From our annual Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, to our annual Easter observance and our bi-annual Living Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, there are several opportunities each year to take part in special services where we offer praise and thanks to God.


As these events arise, we will be telling you about them in this space.

Tower Talk

Tower Talk is an ongoing series of discussions presented on the 3rd Thursday of each month at noon.  The series covers a wide range of topics, from local history to Medicaid enrollment assistance.  A new topic is discussed each month.


Lunch is provided, and we are always looking for new topics to explore.

Tower Music Series

The Tower Music Series is a musical program founded to make the musical arts more accessible to members of our community by presenting a variety of quality musical programs in a friendly setting at an affordable price.


All concerts are performed at the Reformed Church.

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