Church-related Events are Suspended
This is to inform you that as of today the consistory of The Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie is suspending all church events, including Sunday morning worship. This suspension will at least include the next two Sundays (March 15 and 22).
How will we worship?
It is important we worship, support one another, and hear the preaching of the gospel. In order to meet that goal, Pastor Jason will provide a video recording each week in which he will guide us through the liturgy, lead us in prayer, and engage us with a lesson from the Scripture.
Pastor Jason will email a link to the first worship on Saturday, March 14. You may watch and participate when you are able. A modified liturgy for this weekend is attached to this correspondence. A hardcopy of upcoming liturgies will be mailed to you this week.
A link to the video will be sent via email. The link (and/or video) will also be posted to our website and Facebook page. This means you will be able to forward your email to a friend who needs an encouraging word. Imagine it! This situation, as serious as it is, can be the opportunity for you to introduce a friend to our wonderful church family! Of course, you can watch this with friends, neighbors, and family. What’s better than church in your pajamas!?
How will we stay in touch?
The consistory will quickly implement a “Connect and Care” plan. Expect to hear from a consistory member over the next day or so. This is a time when we need to check on one another and to make sure each is okay.
Please email Pastor Jason ( your prayer concerns or if you need a directory. If you are ill or have a need, please let us know immediately. We are a caring community.
How will we be updated?
The consistory will continue to deliberate, listen to the experts’ guidance, and communicate via our various avenues (email, phone, Facebook). Please expect Pastor Jason’s video once a week, a separate email with prayer concerns, and a separate email with information from the consistory. We will do our best. Don’t forget, at any time you can call the church office or email with a question (contact information is below)
God is not absent. Happiness has not evaporated. Peace has not left town. We are here together with our love, friendship, and the ability to help others. May the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.
Pastor Jason + Your Consistory