Resuming In-Person Worship
We will resume in-person worship, beginning September 13. Our worship service will begin at 10am.
We will resume in-person worship on Sunday, September 13 at 10am. The worship service will be recorded or live-streamed (details will be sent beforehand). The details below are initial steps and will be adjusted at the discretion of Consistory with input from the Re-Open Committee.
The worship service will be recorded and will be available on the church's YouTube Channel. Click here to go to the channel.
General Safety + Health
Masks, correctly worn, will be required of everyone while in the building. Masks will be available upon entrance.
Social distancing (6 feet between people not in the same household) is expected
Hand sanitizer will be available in both entrances to the sanctuary, in the restrooms, and in nursery care, which will be held in the gym.
If you do not feel well, have a fever, or are awaiting Covid-19 test results, please stay home
Worship Service
The worship service will be shortened to approximately 35 minutes and will be modified so contact with others is minimized.
There will be no congregational or choral singing (strong exhaling and inhaling, like one does in singing, has been linked to several super-spreader events).
To help with social distancing, every other pew will be marked un-useable.
Offering plates will be stationed in the front and back of the sanctuary. You can place your prayer card and/or donation in the plates.
Holy Communion (first Sunday of the month) will be modified so that bread and cup are not passed.
Bulletins will be printed and handled only by Celia and will be available for you to pick up at the entrances.
Sunday School + Nursery
There will be no children’s sermon.
Sunday school will not be offered.
Nursery care is available only to Pre-K and younger and will be held in the gym
Indoor fellowship and coffee hour is currently suspended
Fellowship outside is encouraged at one’s own comfort level
Our Commitment: to be safe and improve each Sunday together.