Hiring, Revering, and Praying
Be sure to revere the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.
1 Samuel 12:24
Richard Rohr, an American Franciscan friar, writes “Help us to give thanks for what’s been given even in the midst of what’s not been given.” What’s been given to you? Look around. Stop. Reflect. Name it. Those named things and people are gifts from God. This discipline of attention and heart becomes a way that we feel deep respect for, admire, and honor God. Though we were not owed and though God was not obligated, God has decided to give to us all things great and small.
As announced last week, Nanci Peluse, will be retiring after serving the church for over 35 years. I am so thankful for the time I’ve been able to spend with her. She’s been an asset, partner, and cheer-er-upper for me on countless occasions. Her last official day in the office will be September 29. You’ll still see her on Sundays—Weep not! We will honor her on September 17—notice “honor”? It’s right to name and be mindful of what others have done in acts of service.
If you know a prospect for the job, please reply to this email and I’ll send you the job description. The Personnel Committee and Consistory have decided to hire someone who is not a member of our worshipping community.
In the coming weeks you are going to be hearing about some very exciting news regarding our ministry and life together. We will share some of this information before and after our congregational meeting on September 24. This congregational meeting is different than the ones we have each January. Our meeting on September 24 is to inform you on updates to ministry, give you an idea of what to expect as we “kick off” our Fall and Winter ministry, and share with you other important items.
Our hearts go out to all those effected by Hurricane Harvey and the subsequent flooding.